Penang Peppermint Tea Collection

The warm sun from the sunny summer sky beat down on my exposed skin. The light blue sky was brilliant against the green waves. It is ideal to sip in a cool refreshing drink especially on a warm, sunny day, with a renewing effect on the state of body and mind. The option for mint just came to mind when I was looking for a perfect low-calorie treat on a hot day. We use Penang’s organic aquaponic fresh mint for our mint-infused tea. Apart from it being pesticide-free and wild-sourced from local farmers, our process focuses to retain the original taste and nutrition. A perfect blend of the mint and tea to create unique blends, alluring hints of herbal mint aroma and flavour. You can enjoy a cup of mint tea to cool off the hot day, feeling pleasant and rejuvenated after a long, tiring stressful day.

Penang Peppermint Tea Collection

The warm sun from the sunny summer sky beat down on my exposed skin. The light blue sky was brilliant against the green waves. It is ideal to sip in a cool refreshing drink especially on a warm, sunny day, with a renewing effect on the state of body and mind. The option for mint just came to mind when I was looking for a perfect low-calorie treat on a hot day. We use Penang’s organic aquaponic fresh mint for our mint-infused tea. Apart from it being pesticide-free and wild-sourced from local farmers, our process focuses to retain the original taste and nutrition. A perfect blend of the mint and tea to create unique blends, alluring hints of herbal mint aroma and flavour. You can enjoy a cup of mint tea to cool off the hot day, feeling pleasant and rejuvenated after a long, tiring stressful day.